Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.497 - 480: Welcome to, Your World

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.497 - 480: Welcome to, Your World

Chapter 497: Chapter 480: Welcome to, Your World

Wu Di returned to his personal login space.

He planned to rest for a while and log back in tomorrow.

Although he was quite interested in the following content, he had already witnessed a lot in this virtual Chang’an City today, and had a delightful time with the beautiful women in the Dream Spring Building.

But the following questline seemed to be all about fighting and killing. He might as well take a break.

More importantly, he could no longer restrain his desire to brag about it!

While he couldn’t disclose information about this game, it didn’t stop him from showing off!

Instead of logging out, Wu Di started to make a post directly from the panel. The post was quite straightforward

“Cloud Dream ?Awesome!!!”

The accompanying image was a small figure, screaming at the sky.

Although most players’ main focus was still on “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness”, Wu Di, as a winner of the New World Travel Ticket, still had many players highly interested in his post.

These people were thinking: maybe they could indirectly guess the content of the new game from Wu Di?

So once the post was published, it immediately stirred up a lot of reactions.

One could only say that the players’ craving for the new game was endless, and a barrage of comments quickly appeared in the comment section:

“Give us something useful!”

“We know it’s awesome, tell us where the awesomeness lies!”

“After hunting for so long today, I’ve had enough of seeing bull’s genitals, show us something we haven’t seen!”

“Be a real man, confront Cloud Dream head on, just post the video!”

Apart from those bluntly asking for spoilers, many players came to confirm their own guesses:

“The planes and tanks in Lincoln’s live stream are all old antiques, so the new game is a war game set a century ago, right?”

“Which war exactly? The European melee? The American Civil War? The Battle of the Reforms? The Oceanic Battles?”

“If anyone is correct, can you just like their comment? Just like it and then unlike it! It can simply be an accident, Lincoln will understand!”

Faced with these overwhelming opinions from players, Wu Di indeed wanted to say something ?but only a fool would be Cloud Dream’s mole.

However, with so many netizens cordially inviting him, if he just ignores them, it would seem a bit awkward. He was also a bit worried that he might get ambushed and killed in the game.

Normally it wouldn’t matter, but with the First Virtual Full Armor Fighting Championship imminent, it would be too terrifying if he got cornered on the field and got his head smashed by a pumpkin-sized metal hammer.

After weighing the pros and cons, Wu Di came up with an excellent idea.

He responded to the comment “where is the awesomeness” with

“This is the unparalleled, unprecedented, incredible, dreamlike game!”

Yes, Wu Di was now absolutely certain that the game initially described by Lincoln and Fred using these words, must be this one!

No other game could match these descriptions.

Especially the still unknown war game, how could it be described as “unprecedented”? free𝑤

This response provided some information without violating any confidentiality agreement. Perfect!

Yet this provocative action only further stirred up people’s curiosity, which instantly triggered a barrage of angry comments.

The comment section was roiling again:

“I advise you to exercise restraint!”

“Please cease your teasing immediately and take substantive compensatory actions, otherwise, I will resort to force!”

“I advise you to mend your ways! To err is human, to repent divine!”

“You’re dead meat! Wait for your butt to get smacked by my Tank Golden Hammer!”

The comment section made it seem as if Wu Di had committed a serious crime, and everyone was advising him to turn himself in and confess his wrongdoings.

But seeing the situation getting out of hand, Wu Di had already made a run for it.

He’s a busy man after all; he hadn’t even logged into “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” yet.

And beyond this, Wu Di had his own thoughts about this game

Is it possible to enter the wilderness with a full set of armor, like the legendary ancient warriors, and fight fierce beasts head-on?

Armor isn’t considered a weapon, so it doesn’t make sense to prevent players from wearing it, right?

The next morning, in Third Year Class 6.

After the morning reading session, Shuihua couldn’t help but let out a yawn.

Last night, she, Camille Victoria, and Super Tomato encountered two albinism animals: a deer and a bear. They were excited and couldn’t help but wait to see if they could encounter more.

As a result, Shuihua logged out an hour later than usual, finished her homework an hour later, and naturally went to bed an hour later.

So now, she felt somewhat sleepy.

What’s worse: she stayed up all night, but never saw another albinism animal again. It had been a complete waste of an all-nighter.

“Ding ding ding ding”

The bell for class to start rang, but Shuihua was still drowsy.

She grabbed a pinch of flesh on her arm, wanting to give herself a good pinch to wake herself up, but she didn’t dare because she was afraid of the pain.

But in the end, she gritted her teeth and gave herself a hard pinch.


The strong pain made her gasp, she felt immediately more awake.

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.

The door to the classroom opened, and the class teacher walked onto the stage: “Quiet, everyone, let’s delay a few minutes, I want to introduce a new student to you all.”

“Come in.” The class teacher waved to the door.

Then, Lance walked in from outside the door.

“Ah!” Shuihua exclaimed quietly.

But her exclamation was nothing compared to the others the other students’ gasps were much louder!

“Lance! My god, my champion classmate?”

“What’s going on? Did Lance retire? Why wasn’t there any news?”

Of course, many people were completely confused:

“What are you talking about? What retirement, what champion?”

“Are you talking about this new student?”

“Transferring at this time is a bit strange. How did he manage to do it?”

“And it’s the third year of high school graduation class! That’s divine power!”

By the time they reached senior year, many of the students were shrewd enough to realize something was fishy about this.

But actually, Lance’s family wasn’t that powerful.

The reason he could join the senior class now was not because he transferred, but because he “returned to school.”

These are two totally different concepts.

Lance had originally attended the school’s affiliated middle school and took a leave of absence after he had reported for high school. His family was somewhat familiar with the teachers and the principal, so there were some relationships there.

He also passed an exam proving that he indeed had the ability to join the graduating class and wouldn’t impact the college entrance rate of the school.

Coupled with a little contribution he made to his alma mater…

These factors combined allowed Lance to return to high school smoothly.

He had already changed to a new contract with the Burned Boat Club, where he could balance his studies and work.

But how to balance these two aspects and not delay each other, so that two good things don’t turn into two bad things, that depends on his own efforts.

“Alright! Let’s quiet down a bit, let our new classmate introduce himself.” The class teacher spoke up again.

“Hello, everyone, my name is Lance…”

After some interaction, Lance sat down next to Shuihua smoothly.

Shuihua was a commuting student, didn’t participate in evening self-study, and went home as soon as school ended, running faster than anyone else.

Lance was also a commuting student, who had to leave school on time, go back to the club for dinner, and take part in training.

The class teacher simply put the two together to avoid interfering with the other students’ mindset.

“You’re back to school!” Shuihua was very happy, “Why didn’t you tell me!”

“I was busy preparing for the entrance exam. What if I performed so poorly and was assigned to senior two? How could I face you?”

“Why not! You could call me senior schoolgirl!” Shuihua was quite looking forward to it.

“Get over it! Prepare for class!”

“Alright, we’ll talk more after class.” Shuihua happily looked at the podium, where the class teacher had already opened the textbook and was about to start the class.

After class, Shuihua introduced Lance to her friends, worried that he might not be used to high school, especially the atmosphere of the graduation class, so she kept an eye on his conversation and communication with the students, helping bridge the gap and get him comfortably into the class.

It wasn’t until lunchtime that the two had a chance to chat alone.

But actually, there was not much to talk about, both of them knew each other too well.

Shuihua asked Lance how he prepared for the exam, whether the exam was difficult, whether the pressure of studying during the day and training at night was too great, etc.; after that, there was nothing new to talk about.

After all, if there were new topics, they would definitely be discussed that day, and they wouldn’t wait until today ?it’s not like they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

So the topic turned back to the game:

“Speaking of which, how did you do in Card King and Mahjong God? Have you progressed?” Shuihua asked.

“…No.” Lance was crestfallen. He had worked hard, but still hadn’t advanced, and was deeply frustrated.

Shuihua picked up a small piece of cabbage with her chopsticks, indicating Lance to look at it, “Check this out.”

“What’s wrong?” Lance didn’t get it. The cabbage was normal, and there was no hair in it.

“You’re so [cabbage].” Shuihua revealed the answer.

“Cough, cough!” Lance felt like he had been stabbed in the heart, “It’s not a matter of being good or bad at all! It’s purely a matter of luck! I’m unlucky, what can I do?!”

Shuihua gracefully ate the little cabbage and continued to taunt him, “You’re [cabbage], and you won’t admit it… I got promoted after just one round.”

Lance put down his chopsticks, feeling he was about to get full from anger.

What upset him most wasn’t that Shuihua called him cabbage, but that he had no way to refute it.

Because Shuihua truthfully got promoted after just one round of competition, this was a genuine record of her performance.

Although it’s strange to say this in card games, indeed “In esports, being cabbage is original sin.”

In card games, he was cabbage compared to Shuihua, there was no disputing that…

While he was brooding, his mobile phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed.

He took out his phone and noticed that Shuihua on the opposite side also put down her chopsticks and pulled out her phone.

Noticing Lance’s gaze, Shuihua, while advising him, “Watch what you’re doing, mobile phones are not allowed in school!”

At the same time, she looked down at her own phone.

Lance was speechless about Shuihua’s behavior and also looked down at his own phone.

The vibration was from his special attention list on Spiritual Rhinoceros. The official account of Cloud Dream Studio had just released a new video, the title of the video was

